giant panda eating bamboo


  • Local Time
  • Location: Chengdu Research Base, China
  • Source: iPanda
  • Info: Live streaming giant panda webcam in China. The pandas shown are at the Chengdu Research Base. The giant panda is native to China and is among the world's most threatened animals.

More info: There are 67 panda reserves in China that protect around two thirds of the giant pandas in the wild and more than 50 percent of the giant panda's habitat.

China has captive breeding programs in place to save this vulnerable species. Female pandas usually only give birth to one baby panda at a time every two years. At breeding centres, researchers help the mother pandas to take care of their cubs, thus helping to ensure the survival of both.

There are 4 main captive breeding bases in China which are Dujiangyan Panda Base, Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Center, Wolong Panda Research Center and Bifengxia Giant Panda Base - the Largest Giant Panda Base.

Video showing Chengdu Panda Centre:

Additional Information:
Animal Diversity Web
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Library
Animal Facts Encyclopedia