

  • Local time
  • Location: Taronga Zoo, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
  • Source: Taronga Zoo Sydney
  • Info: Live streaming capybara webcam at Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia. Capybaras are large semiaquatic rodents native to South America. They are found in forests and wetlands from Panama to Argentina.

More info: Capybaras are the largest rodents in existence and can weigh up to 65 kgs. Capybaras are closely related to guinea pigs and rock cavies, and more distantly related to chinchillas and agouti.

Capybaras are strong swimmers and have partially webbed toes which aides with swimming and their small eyes, noses and hairless ears are located high on their heads so they remain alert whilst in water.

Like other rodents, capybaras’ teeth grow continuously, and they wear them down by grazing on aquatic plants, grasses, and other plentiful plants.