• Local time
  • Location: Southern Oregon, United States
  • Source: Forest Untethered
  • Info: Live white-tailed deer webcam at a feeding area in Oregon, United States. As well as white tailed deer, wild turkeys, skunks and squirrels are frequent visitors.
    Oregon has two species of white-tail deer. It also has about 320,000 black-tail deer, and the rest are mule deer.

    To watch more live views of wild deer, visit: Live Deer and Elk Webcams

More info: There are two species of deer in Oregon, each with two subspecies. The most common species is the mule deer, with Rocky Mountain mule deer found on the east side of the Cascades and Columbian black-tailed deer generally found west of the Cascades. The more common northwest white-tailed deer occur throughout most of northeastern Oregon including the Blue Mountains, Snake River and parts of the Columbia Basin.

The Columbian white-tailed deer is found in several pockets in Oregon.

Download a detailed printable guide to North American White-tailed Deer here

Additional Information:
  • White-tailed deer, Nature Works -
  • Nature Mapping, Animal Facts - White-tailed Deer -
  • White-Tailed Deer - Working With Wildlife - content.ces