head of a bermuda petrel


  • Local Time
  • Location: Nonsuch Island, Bermuda
  • Source: Cornell Lab Bird Cams
  • Info: Live streaming Bermuda petrel webcam. The petrels shown are in a burrow on Nonsuch Island in Bermuda. The Bermuda petrel is also called a Bermuda cahow, a name derived from its eerie cries.

    To watch more live views of seabirds and coastal wildlife, visit: Live Seabird Webcams

More info: The Bermuda petrel is a ground nesting seabird which lives in burrows and it is the national bird of Bermuda. They produce only one egg each year, and are faithful partners, generally pairing up with the same mate for life.

The Bermuda petrel is commonly known in Bermuda as the Cahow and it is one of the most rare seabirds on the planet. Bermuda, specifically Nonsuch Island and the surrounding rocks, is the only place where the Cahows breed. In 1960 the Cahow Recovery Program was started by David Wingate and there were only around 17 pairs of cahows at that time. There were 124 breeding pairs in 2018, including 15 pairs at the Nonsuch colony.

Each breeding pair produces only 1 egg a year, of which 40% to 50% fail to hatch. The eggs are incubated by both adults and take 53 to 55 days to hatch. The chicks take from 88 to 105 days from the time they hatch until they mature and fledge out to sea. Adult Cahows abandon chicks up to 1 week before they fledge with the chicks flying out to sea and learning to survive on their own.

Video showing the Bermuda Cahow and Nonsuch Island:

Additional Information :
The Bermuda Petrel (Pterodroma cahow) - environment.bm
Amazing Cahow Facts - The Endemic Bermuda Petrel - nonsuchisland.com