Live Eagle and Buzzard Webcams
Location: Lower Kama National Park, Tatarstan, Russia
Source: orlan.beloxvost
Info: Live white tailed eagle webcam in Russia.
Location: Smola, Norway
Source: Streambird Pro
Info: Live streaming webcam with white tailed eagles in Norway.
Location: Kurzeme, Durbe region, Latvia
Source: Latvian Fund for Nature
Info: Live streaming webcam showing white tailed eagles nesting in the Durbe region of Latvia.
Location: Roodekrans, Gauteng, South Africa
Source: Explore Africa
Info: Live streaming webcam showing black eagles nesting in Roodekrans, South Africa.
Location: Romania
Source: Stelian Bodnari
Info: Live golden eagle webcam in romania.
Location: Almetyevsk Region, Tatarstan, Russia
Source: orlan.beloxvost
Info: Live streaming webcam with Eastern Imperial Eagles in Russia.
Location: Estonia
Source: Kotkaklubi
Info: Live webcam at a golden eagle nest in Estonia.
Location: Valladolid, Spain
Info: Live booted eagle webcam in Valladolid in Spain.
Location: Selati Game Reserve, South Africa
Source: Selati Wilderness Foundation
Info: Live streaming Verreaux's Eagle webcam in Selati Game Reserve in South Africa.
Location: Parque Natural de los Puertos, Catalunya, Spain
Source: Parc Natural dels Ports
Info: Live short toed snake eagle webcam in Spain.
Location: Soomaa National Park, Southwestern Estonia
Source: Kotkaklubi
Info: Live streaming webcam with golden eagles in Estonia.
Location: Matsalu National Park, Estonia
Source: Kotkaklubi
Info: Live streaming webcam showing white tailed eagles in the Matsalu National Park, Estonia.
Location: Sliteres National Park, Latvia
Source: Latvian Fund for Nature
Info: Live streaming webcam with white tailed eagles in Sliteres National Park, Latvia
Location: Sierra de Guadarrama National Park, Rascafria, Madrid, Spain
Info: Live booted eagle webcam in the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park in Spain.
Location: Sydney, Australia
Source: Sea-EagleCAM4
Live streaming webcam showing Sea Eagles breeding and nesting near Sidney, Australia.
Location: Estonia
Source: Kotkaklubi
Info: Live nest cam showing a greater spotted and lesser spotted eagle in Estonia.
Location: Magadan, Russia
Source: Magadan 49 RUS
Info: Live streaming webcam at a Steller's Sea Eagle nest in Magadan, Russia
Location: Tucholskie Forest, Poland
Source: Kotkaklubi
Info: Live streaming webcam at a white tailed eagle nest in the Tucholskie Forest, Poland.
Location: Tiszavasvari, Hungary
Source: BirdCAMs Hungary
Info: Live streaming webcam showing common buzzards nesting in Hungary.
Location: Secret location in Israel
Source: Charter Group Birdcams
Live streaming HD webcam showing long legged buzzards in Israel.
Location: Saksfjed-Hyllekrog, Denmark
This webcam is showcasing white tailed eagles breeding and nesting in the Saksfjed-Hyllekrog bird reserve in Denmark