- Local Time
- Location: Austin, Texas, United States
- Source: Lone Star Birding
Info: Live webcam showing birds visiting feeders in Austin in Texas. The birdcam is located in a garden in the Texas Hill Country which is an area known as a birding hot spot.
The Audubon Guide to North American Birds is a fantastic online guide to identifyling birds.
To view more live bird watching webcams in the United States, see : Live Garden Bird Webcams in North America
More info: For more information on birdwatching visit Texas Hill Country Birdwatching Hot Spots.
Video showing Carolina Wrens visiting the birdbath:
The Austin bird feeders are frequented by many species of birds, including Black-Crested Titmouse, Tufted Titmouse, Northern Cardinal, Blue Jay, Lesser Goldfinch, American Goldfinch, Housefinch, Warblers, Mockingbird, red-winged black bird, Brown-headed cowbird, White-winged Dove, Carolina Chickadee, Downy woodpecker, Carolina Wren, Common Grackle, Great-tailed Grackle, Sparrows, Painted Buntings, Inca Dove and Ladder-backed woodpecker.
Since January 1927, the northern mockingbird has been the State bird of Texas.
Video showing Carolina Wrens visiting the birdbath:
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