More info: Birds visiting the feeders in this Ohio garden include Northern Cardinal, Blue Jay, American Goldfinch, Mourning Dove, Black-capped Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, 3 species of woodpecker (Downy, Hairy, Red-bellied), Tufted Titmouse, Common Grackle, House Sparrow, European Starling, and American Crows

The Audubon Guide to North American Birds is a fantastic online guide to identifyling birds.

The State Bird of Ohio since 1933, is the northern cardinal(Cardinalis cardinalis)

Some common backyard birds and feeder preferences:

The northern cardinal is one of the most common and popular backyard birds in the eastern half of the United States and their distinctive bright red colour is matched by few other birds. They are year-round residents throughout Ohio. The large conical bill is made for chewing seeds. In bird feeders, northern cardinals like black oil sunflower seeds, many types of seeds, berries and nuts in larger hopper or tray feeders.

Blue Jays are year-round residents throughout Ohio. They are bold and brash and may bully smaller birds. Jays gulp lots of seeds or other food at once, storing it in their crop. Then they fly off and bury food items in a hidden cache. Blue jays can quickly empty a feeder.

The sound of mourning doves is easily recognisable with their mournful cooing. They are almost exclusively seed eaters and will be attracted with black oil sunflower seeds on a large sturdy tray feeder or on the ground.

The American goldfinch is often called a "wild canary." Males in summer are bright lemon yellow with black forehead and black wings whilst females are a dull olive colour. American goldfinches feed on weed seeds, thistle seed and they love nyjer seed in a feeder called a "thistle sock."

The European starling is often viewed as a pest and they will often bully other backyard birds, taking over bird feeders, and stealing nest cavities from smaller native birds. They have weak feet and do not perch well on tube feeders. A cage mesh around smaller hopper feeders may keep them out.

Additional Information:
  • Bird Watching in Ohio - The nature Concervancy - nature.org/
  • 10 Highlight Birds of Ohio - Bird Watchers Digest - bwdmagazine.com
  • Ohio Birding by Season: Winter - Bird Watchers Digest - bwdmagazine.com
  • Ohio Birding by Season: Fall - Bird Watchers Digest - bwdmagazine.com
  • Ohio Birding by Season: Summer - Bird Watchers Digest - bwdmagazine.com
  • Ohio Birding by Season: Spring - Bird Watchers Digest - bwdmagazine.com