• Local Time
  • Location: Tajo-Tejo International Biosphere Reserve, Extremadura, Spain
  • Source: Tajo Internacional
  • Info: Live black stork webcam in Extremadura, Spain. The nest is located in the Tajo-Tejo International Biosphere Reserve which is a protected area around the Tagus River.
    Black Storks in Iberia occupy the south western quadrant of the Peninsula in both Portugal and Spain.

    To view more live webcams with white and black storks nesting, visit : Live Webcams with Storks

More info: An interesting aspect of the Iberian population of Black Storks is the fact that a high proportion of nests are built on rock. The Black Stork normally nests in trees across its wide range.

The female black stork lays three to five white eggs which are incubated for 30 to 40 days. The chicks remain in the nest until they can fly and are fed for just over two months. After this period, the parents leave the nest and the chicks behind.

In Spain and Portugal there are both resident and migratory black storks. The native storks live mainly in the inland part of the country and the migratory ones nest mainly in the areas surrounding three large rivers, the Douro, the Tagus, and the Guadiana, typically in the parts straddling the border between Spain and Portugal.

Video showing the black stork sitting on eggs - Tajo-Tejo International Biosphere Reserve:

Additional Information :
Black Stork - Ciconia nigra -
Black Stork -
Animal Diversity Web -