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- Location: Ninepipes National Wildlife Refuge, Charlo, Montana, United States
- Source: Explore Birds Bats Bees
- Info: Live streaming Canada goose webcam at Ninepipes National Wildlife Refuge, near Charlo, Montana. Canada Geese are very common in Montana and are spotted in the state all year.
The area offers critical nesting habitat, and provides a significant “flyway” for migrating raptors, as well as hundreds of other bird species including mallards, northern shovelers, gadwalls, redheads and ruddy ducks. The sanctuary also serves as a critical staging and breeding area for Canada geese, and provides secure nesting for song sparrows, yellow-headed and red-winged black birds, and pheasants. Others species often spotted include American bitterns, osprey and sora rails.
The geese shown on the webcam have taken over an osprey nest. For reasons unknown, Canada Geese have adapted to nesting high in trees or high in man-made structures. These include stick nests built by Osprey, Eagles, Hawks, Herons, Magpies, and other stick nest builders.