great tit chicks waiting for food


More info: Great tits are cavity nesters, using small holes in tree trunks as their main natural nesting site, but they will readily use nest boxes. Many other man-made structures attract great tits to nest, such as walls, pipes, letter boxes and air ducts. The nesting behaviour of great tits is very similar to that of the blue tit, although their clutches sizes are smaller with typically between 7 and 9 eggs.

In the garden great tits love peanuts, insects,seed mixes, mealworms, suet and fat balls , they are not too fussy and will happily take whatever is on the bird table. Great tits are active feeders, hunting in trees for insects and spiders amongst smaller branches and leaves, and crevices in the bark. This makes them a welcome visitor to the garden as they will also help rid it of aphids and other ‘pests’ with caterpillars in particular being what they prefer to feed their young.