eastern imperial eagle in russia


  • Local tme
  • Location: Tatarstan, Russia
  • Source: orlan.beloxvost
  • Info: Live Eastern Imperial Eagle webcam in Russia. The webcam is focussed on a nest in southeastern Tatarstan and is home to eagles Altyn and Altynay.

More info: The Eastern Imperial Eagle is sparsely distributed from central, south-east and eastern Europe, east to Lake Baikal in Russia. Adult Eastern Imperial Eagles are partially migratory, with some birds moving south or south-east, however, in severe winters they may vacate Europe completely. The young are fully migratory and winter in Egypt, Greece, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkey and Yemen.

The Imperial Eagle is predominantly a lowland species but has been pushed to higher altitudes due to persecution.

The Imperial Eagle builds a large stick nest on the tops of tree and very occasionally on electricity pylons. Eggs are generally laid late March or early April. The female normally lays two eggs but occasionally up to three or four. The eggs are incubated by both parents, for around 43 days. The young are ready to fly at around 60 days but remain around the nest for another 2 to 3 weeks being fed by the mother, until they are able to hunt for themselves.

The diet of the Imperial Eagle consists primarily of small to medium-sized mammals. It will also consume reptiles, including some deadly snakes such as Russell's viper, as well as young magpies, waders, rodents, and ducks. It may sometimes eat carrion including lambs that have previously died.