lesser spotted eagle in latvia


  • Local time
  • Location: Zengale Region, Latvia
  • Source: Latvian Fund for Nature
  • Info: Live lesser spotted eagle webcam in Latvia. The lesser spotted eagle nest shown is located high up in a spruce tree. It is estimated that about four thousand lesser spotted eagle pairs breed in Latvia.

    To watch more live views of Eagles and Buzzards, visit: Live Eagle and Buzzard Webcams

More info: The operation of the live camera at the Lesser Spotted Eagle’s nest is provided by the Latvian Fund for Nature within the project "Ensuring the Protection of the Lesser Spotted Eagle in Latvia" (LIFE AQPOM), financially supported by the European Commission's LIFE+ program and co-financed by the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund.

Video with amazing footage of a lesser spotted eaagle:

Additional information:
Lesser Spotted Eagle by eBird - ebird.org
Animal Diversity Web - animaldiversity.org
Lesser Spotted Eagle by The Peregrine Fund - peregrinefund.org
Eagles by PBS Nature - www.pbs.org