ospreys on the nest


  • Local time
  • Location: Loch Arkaig, Lochaber, Scotland
  • Source: The Woodland Trust
  • Info: Live streaming osprey webcam at Loch Arkaig in Lochaber, Scotland. The osprey nest belongs to a resident pair of ospreys and is high atop a Caley Pine in Loch Arkaig Pine Forest
    The ospreys called Louis and Dorcha, successfully raised one male chick in 2023, called Ludo.
    The Loch Arkaig Osprey webcam is supported by players of the People's Postcode Lottery,

    To see more ospreys in the British Isles, visit : Live Osprey Webcams in the UK

    For more information and facts about ospreys visit the Osprey Fact File from Scottish Wildlife Trust

More info: The Loch Arkaig Pine Forest covers some 1086 hectares in two roughly even sized blocks – the Glenmallie forest and the Gusach. Both contain amazing remnants of Caledonian pine forest, stunning birchwoods, blanket bogs, freshwater habitats and extensive areas of non-native conifers including Sitka spruce and Lodgepole pine.

Video showing Loch Arkaig Osprey Season Highlights of 2023

The area in which ospreys choose to nest must have an adequate supply of accessible fish within a maximum of about 12 miles of the nest.

Ospreys will fly above the water’s surface to locate fish, sometimes gliding and soaring up to 70 metres high. The exact catching technique varies with the type of fish, but once prey is spotted the osprey performs a nearly vertical plunge dive with wings half-folded and feet thrown forward at the last moment. They may dive to a depth of 1 metre. The long, curved talons and the short spines covering the underside of the toes assist with the capture and holding of the fish. When a fish is caught the osprey usually flies with it held headfirst. Ospreys typically catch fish 5 to 6 inches in size.

Ospreys are able to close their nostrils to stop water entering during a dive. They also have feathers which are much more oily than other raptors and do not become water-logged. As well, the feathers are stiffer which allows the birds to get more vertical lift from less of a surface area.

Additional information:
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
British Trust for Ornithology
Forestry and Land Scotland