purple martin nest box


  • Local time
  • Location: Lake Tawakoni, Texas, United States
  • Source: Lake Tawakoni Purple Martins
  • Info: Live purple martin webcam in Texas, United States. The purple martins shown are inside a nest box at Lake Tawakoni.

More Info: Purple martins are cavity nesters and will choose nest boxes and gourds, cracks and crevices in buildings, or natural hollows in cacti and dead tree trunks. They construct a nest of twigs and pine needles inside the cavity and line it with fresh leaves.

Purple martins are communal nesters, and prefer to set up home in close proximity to neighbouring birds of the same species. Therefore, when nest boxes are set up, it is a good idea to offer a number of different cavities to attract several pairs of nesting birds. Purple martins often revisit and reuse previous nest sites in subsequent years.