head of a screech owl


  • Local time
  • Location: Austin, Texas, United States
  • Source: The Jollyville Screech Owl House
  • Info: Live screech owl webcam in Texas. The screech owl nest box is in a back garden in Austin and is home to Olivia and Alton. Screech-owls breed in late winter or early spring.

    View all owl webcams in North America here

More Info: The Eastern Screech Owl is a permanent resident of north Texas and is the most common owl found in north Texas. There are a number of color morphs in Screech Owls ranging from red to gray.

The Eastern screech owl is strictly nocturnal and for this reason they are more often heard than seen. During the day, they usually spend their time in a tree cavity or old woodpecker hole where they will occasionally be harassed by small birds if their presence is detected.