stork in avila in spain


  • Local Time
  • Location: Madrigal de las Altas Torres, Ávila, Castile and León, Spain
  • Source: SEOBirdLife
  • Info: Live streaming white stork webcam in Spain. The stork nest is on the church in the town of Avila in Castilla y Leon. Some white storks return to northern Europe after winter while others remain permanently in Spain.

    To view more live webcams with white and black storks nesting, visit : Live Webcams with Storks

More info: The webcam is located on top of the church tower, in Madrigal de las Altas Torres in Castile and León. As well as showing the daily lives of the nesting storks, the webcam gives views of the beautiful surrounding landscape and sunrises and sunsets over the Morañega Plain.

The stork nest is on one of the towers of the Gothic-Mudejar Church of San Nicolás de Bari which houses the font where Queen Isabella was baptised. This church was also the setting for the marriage between Isabella’s parents, John II of Castile and Isabella of Portugal, in 1447.

The white stork has altered its migration over the past few decades due to the global changes resulting from human behaviour, which have provided the stork with new habitats in which it can feed during the winter. Adult white storks now overwinter in Spain, mainly feeding from rubbish dumps and rice fields, while their young continue to migrate to the Sahel, thousands of kilometres away from their nests

Additional Information :
The White Stork: profile -
White Stork -
Animal Diversity Web -
White Stork - Ciconia ciconia -