- Local time
- Location: Palm City, Florida, United States
- Source: Tim Harrell
- Info: Live streaming webcam showing a black bellied whistling duck inside a nest box. The location is in Palm City in Florida. The owner of the nest box explains that the Black Bellied Whistling Ducks moved into his Eastern Screech Owl nest box that was previously occupied by the Wood Ducks !
More info: Since 1968, black-bellied whistling ducks have often been found in central and south Florida in late summer and early fall, sometimes mixed in flocks of fulvous whistling ducks. In recent years, these ducks have become year-round residents in all of the Florida peninsular.
Black bellied whistling ducks are long-legged, long-necked and stand erect. They have a black belly with a chestnut nape, lower neck, chest, and back. A chestnut cap sits on top of the head. They have a bright orange bill, grey face and upper neck and a white eye ring. Their long pink legs are easily recognised whilst perched in trees.
The female black bellied whistling duck generally lays 12 to 16 whitish eggs. Incubation is carried out by both sexes for 25 to 30 days. The young fledge at around 2 months.
Black bellied whistling ducks commonly feed at night on grain, seeds, some insects and molluscs and leaves and shoots found in fields and shallow water.