european stork in flight


  • Local Time
  • Location: Nowym Kamieniu, Poland
  • Source: Elmiravandrel
  • Info: Live streaming white stork webcam in Poland. The stork nest shown is located in Nowym Kamieniu.
    The White Stork was among the first bird species in Poland to be provided with both conservative and active protection.

    To view more live webcams with white and black storks nesting, visit : Live Webcams with Storks

More info: White storks begin arriving in Poland in late March and generally lay their eggs in late April, with hatching at the end of May. In July, the young birds start leaving the nest and by the end of August the storks are usually gone.

The female stork will lay around 3 to 6 eggs. When the chicks hatch, they are almost naked, but they quickly develop a covering of fluffy down feathers. They are altricial and need their parents to take care of them, so both parents spend alot of their time flying back and forth to the nest to provide food. Chicks can eat up to 60% of their own body weight per day.

In poland, May 31 is the Day of the White Stork. The holiday was established by the Polish Society of Friends of Nature pro Natura and aims to popularize knowledge about their lives, the role they play in Polish culture and landscape, and above all, to draw attention to the need to protect this species.

Video showinh White Storks gathering to migrate:

Additional Information :
Stork Village -
The White Stork: profile -
The White Stork -
White Stork - Ciconia ciconia -
White Stork -
Animal Diversity Web -